There was only ever one E-100 chassis built, but this project for super heavy armored vehicle continues to capture modeller minds across the world in all scales. Years ago the only 1/72 kit was the Dragon one, which went missing for nearly a decade. When re-released it disappeared from the market in 2 (two days).
Then along come Trumpeter and Modelcollect, and here we are with two more competitively priced 1/72 kits.
What’s common for all 3 of them? The tracks are far from good. Negative experience with DS tracks and the underwhelming releases from the younger competitors drove my interest to, well, OKB, and their E-100 resin track set.
The pack contains 6 light grey lengths of E-100 tracks on the casting block. Here are a few images to compare with the Modelcollect E-100 track (in black). I’m planning to build the E-100 chassis with its tracks exposed, so the track will add the WOW! to the otherwise bland vehicle.

The OKB track will require some careful separation and cleanup of the excess resin (note this is probably on my example only as I’ve seen other sets reviewed and they are OK), but the extra detail is just worth it. Note diagonal detail on track ridges on the resin part, the better defined individual links and segments.

A comparison between the “paddle” details:

And finally – check the guide teeth of the kit track vs the resin replacement.

The OKB E-100 tracks are highly recommended for your E-100 projects!