For any of you out there that have had issues with decals not conforming to model surfaces companies would offer all kinds of magical potions. My favorite since the beginning of this year is Gunze Sangyo’s Mr. Mark Softer.
Mr. Mark Softer
This magical clear liquid comes in 40ml bottle, complete with a built-in application brush.
So far it has been successful in subduing Cartograf decals on Eduard’s MiG-21MF, DML’s own decals on the 1/72 amphibious vehicle seen here:
One of the many helpers I’ve come to appreciate in recent months is Gunze Sangyo’s Mr. Paint Remover. The clear liquid comes in a 40ml glass bottle with red cap and no brush inside.
Gunze Sangyo Mr. Paint Remover
The test subject here is the gun barrel of a Dragon Panther G. It has been painted with Alclad Stainless Steel, then covered in a layer of Revell 37 to simulate the typical German tank red-brown primer. While painting the tank I didn’t mask the barrel off, so it also received the yellow coat you see on the rest of the turret – a mix of Revell 12 (gloss) and 15 (matt).