For any of you out there that have had issues with decals not conforming to model surfaces companies would offer all kinds of magical potions. My favorite since the beginning of this year is Gunze Sangyo’s Mr. Mark Softer.

This magical clear liquid comes in 40ml bottle, complete with a built-in application brush.
So far it has been successful in subduing Cartograf decals on Eduard’s MiG-21MF, DML’s own decals on the 1/72 amphibious vehicle seen here:

– the Academy decals for their F-8 Crusader here:

and a set of Revell decals I placed onto a model more than 2 years ago, but didn’t flatcoat.
I use a little Mr. Mark Softer on the spot where the decal is supposed to be placed before putting the transfer on the model. Then I place the decal there, and apply Mr. Mark Softer AGAIN.
If the surface includes protrusions and/or compound curves – I wait for a few seconds till the liquid attacks the decal, then use a paper towel to press the decal into the surface. Next I add a little little more Softer so it can continue “pulling” the decal down – remember the towel absorbed the previous portion. Depending on the decal and the underlying surface details I might repeat this several times with short pauses for letting the solution work its magic.
Be careful not to flood the decal you are applying the solution to, and to have its position adjusted within a few seconds after application – after that it will become extremely vulnerable to ANY moves as it gets dissolved by the Softer. Remove the excess liquid very carefully with a paper towel, then leave the decal alone overnight. It might wrinkle, and bubbles may form up, but in the end will dry following the surface. In case bubbles are still there in the morning – you can cut through them with a sharp blade and reapply the Softer.
Highly recommended.