The finished article. Paints and effects used:
– acrylic paints by Gunze, Tamiya, Vallejo for the camo job,
– MM Gun Metal for the armament and track base color,
– Tamiya X-11 for track bare metal effect,
– various dark metal shades for the chipping effects,
– thinned Revell browns used for the washes (darker on the hull, lighter on the tracks),
– Agama patinators and Koh-I-Noor pastel chalks for dust, smoke and heat staining on the exhaust heat shields,
– Alclad II Engine manifold on the exhausts for that extra oily exhaust look, feel and SMELL,
– Thalens H2Oils for the leaks,
– Vallejo matt varnish for sealing the whole deal.
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
Just to show you how background can change everything – a few shots made on white cardboard.
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E
- Revell 1/72 Pz VI Tiger Ausf. E